CIC Exam Preparation

Believe in the adage that it’s better to teach a man how to fish than feed him for a day. We provide comprehensive preparation in both theoretical and practical aspects of the CIC exam to candidates who want to be certified in infection control. 

Our CIC certified consultants have experience in education and exam preparation towards your successful completion of the CIC exam.


We provide preparatory courses in the following key exam areas:

1) Identification of Infectious Disease Processes

2) Surveillance and Epidemiologic Investigation

3) Preventing/Controlling the Transmission of Infectious Agents

4) Employee/Occupational Health

5) Management and Communication

6) Education and Research

7) Environment of Care

8) Cleaning, Sterilization, Disinfection, Asepsis

Want our top industry experts to help prevent and control infections in your organization? then get in touch with us

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